Teila K. Day Photography offers 24hr photographic solutions: Shhhh... it's personal ;): IMG_6010_vera_wang_white_ballgown_rosemary_8x10_CRP_edt_2016_1

Ocean breeze strokes across the expanse of sand before teasing my hairthe morning sun holds my face softly with both hands before gently kissing my cheeksthe smell of scampi, butter, oils and seasoning, flirt merrily with their long-time olfactory friend.  heaven on earth.Pinot Noir do I spy?  --- Ahh, what was already heavenly just got even better.Rosemary Beach, Florida

Ocean breeze strokes across the expanse of sand before teasing my hair 

the morning sun holds my face softly with both hands before gently kissing my cheeks 

the smell of scampi, butter, oils and seasoning, flirt merrily with their long-time olfactory friend. heaven on earth. 

Pinot Noir do I spy? --- Ahh, what was already heavenly just got even better. 

Rosemary Beach, Florida