The Fall colors bring a natural amber backdrop to this colorful family. It is always a blessing to be able to photograph families that are comfortable being the colorful, quirky, fun, and unique in their own individual tribe sorta way! For this family portrait, we decided on an area that exemplifies a fall palette typical of America's Heartland.
Family and individual portraiture by Teila K. Day Photography
You and your loved ones compose a family... not a mini colony of cookie-cutter khaki coloured penguins! So we are not inclined to mention the wearing of such cookie-cutter garb (e.g. white shirt with khaki pants) for your family portraits whether we are shooting your family in the heart of a redwood forest, or on the sugar white sands of Florida's Gulf Coast. We simply don't suggest it. We want to see the real you. Not the "penguin" you. :)
Why not matching white shirts and khaki pants?
Family portraits are not just about your faces, but also about the intricate dynamics of your family at the time the photograph was taken. White shirts and khaki pants purchased the day of the shoot neither says anything about you as an individual, nor your family. Let us envision what you will NOT see in that portrait 20 years from now if you dress like a penguin.
You will not see yourself wearing your lucky leather loafers, the pair you splurged on because you wanted to “dress for success”. You, the newest agent in your office, sold the house that no one else could sell while wearing those shoes! Your success that month enabled you to pay your own mortgage in a hard economy… You will remember that when you see yourself as you were then, in those shoes.
You will not see your youngest daughter’s pants… the pair with the more than obvious patch of a puppy sewed on her left leg. Your mother gave her those pants and you cringed with embarrassment as she posed for photographs in them. Your daughter is now a Veterinarian and now your granddaughter wears those pants because she too “loves animals”; That’s what your daughter used to say in the same high pitched squeaky voice…
The photograph of your daughter in those pants is on the wall next to a photograph of your mother… next to a 20x30 in. framed print of your daughter’s diploma awarding her a DVM... Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. The pants no longer seem silly as you stand in your daughter’s waiting room looking at that old portrait - rather it signifies and adds clarification to all the memories even more precious than the photograph you now find so remarkably dear.
You will not see your oldest son wearing the shirt and tie he insisted on wearing despite your plea for something more “appropriate” for family portraits on the beach. You find yourself recounting that photograph when you tell your grandson “You’re going to be a banker just like your father… he liked numbers at your age too”.
Don’t just bring your family to be photographed. Bring your life. Bring the you that you want to remember years from now and the elements in your life that will matter to you the most when looking back over the years. If khaki pants and white shirts are that important to you by all means, make yourself happy! ;)
… Just know that whether you dress up or down- we want to photograph what’s indicative of the very essence that defines you as a family.
TEILA K. DAY PHOTOGRAPHY. Site design © 2010-2025 Neon Sky Creative Media